Try as you might

Try as you might,

You might know just a little bit.

Try as you fight,

To fight the knowledge that exists.

Fear the ins and outs

But don’t fear the forget abouts.

Serviceability, I service the truth.

Live not the lust,

Confusion of all the musts.

I don’t know what I say,

So long as it sounds pretty.

No seconds or thirds,

A haiku built of instability.


I’ve come back around.

Does any of this matter?

No, these words, no sounds – know sounds?

In twenty years you won’t remember me.

In twenty minutes I won’t exist.

I harbor relentlessness,

Perseverance to simply exist.

I know not of what I write,

So long as it provokes a thought,

In me or in you, try,

Try as you might.


Troubles I find,

Or so they seem to find me.

Obligations, frustration

It’s seemingly hard to breathe.

Disciples of my own,

Hate, fear and greed,

Grow to new bounds

Yet they are everything in me.

Loathe, and lust,

My philosophy grabs hold.

My neck, these lungs…

Are suffocating seeds.

I take a moment to reflect

On the before mentioned roots.

Seeds? Trees! Well established;

This stranglehold on me.